First, you wake up to your light, then you wake up to your shadow, and finally, you wake up to yourself!


Welcome to The Sea Community: Your Journey Begins Here

SEA stands for Sacred Energy Awakening, coupled with the transformative practice of Inner Dance, which offers an activation and transmission process of our life force. This “Life Force” energy connects everything to our invisible source. S.E.A. channels universal energy directly from the crown chakra downwards, fostering a balanced and reciprocal flow of energy throughout the body, while Inner Dance facilitates a journey into expanded consciousness through intuitive movement and rhythmic exploration.

This harmonious blend is gentle and adapts naturally to meet the specific needs of your system, avoiding any form of shock or discomfort. SEA's core aim is to

  • Clear blockages within the energy system

  • Connecting individuals to their higher selves

  • Feeling wholeness, divinity, and freedom

  • A deeper release of stored emotions and blockages

  • Profound insights and transformative experiences

Sacred Energy Awakening

What types of experiences are possible?

Your journey is as individual as you, embracing a vast spectrum of transformative experiences. The more you release and surrender to the energy, the deeper you delve into this unique process. By gently releasing your expectations, you step into a state of surrender, unlocking the door to a world of wonder.

feeling the energy

You might notice the energy coursing through your body, offering sensations of pulsing warmth or soothing coolness.

releasing emotional and mental blockages

Previously suppressed emotions may surface, seeking release. You might find yourself wanting to scream, cry, or laugh—every form of emotional expression is embraced.

visual experiences

Participants frequently report seeing images, lights, or colors, and experiencing vivid visions during their session.

physical movements

The energy might guide you into movements such as mudras, stretches, yoga poses, dance, or even shaking, naturally flowing through your body.

nondual states of being

You may effortlessly transition into a state of oneness, where feelings of bliss and love permeate your being. Alongside this serene experience, profound insights and revelations may emerge, guiding your journey.

and so much more

Embark on a transformative journey that invites you to gently peel away the layers of accumulated conditioning, revealing the essence of who you truly are.

Iskra Tsen - Founder of S.E.A.

Energy Facilitator and Holistic Life Coach

I’m Iskra Tsen, ready to guide you through an extraordinary path of discovery and renewal. My adventure from Bulgaria to the United States at 22 marked the beginning of a profound transformation. It was in the heart of San Diego, amidst the warmth of hot yoga, that my quest for deeper understanding first unfolded, further deepened by the pursuit of holistic nutrition to support my mother’s valiant fight against breast cancer.

Launching a successful e-commerce venture that captured the attention of ABC’s Shark Tank marked a significant moment in my journey. This experience offered me a deep dive into the corporate world and a mirror to reflect on my true desires. Yet, this venture was a fleeting chapter, a detour that ultimately led me to a profound realization: my heart and purpose truly lie in the healing of humans and animals.


Together, let’s embark on a transformative journey to unlock the healing potential within you. Join me in embracing a life of wellness, growth, and profound healing.

The SEA Experience

Thoughts come and go…Feelings come and go…
Find out what remains.



choose your session

In a SEA session, we begin by taking a moment to ground ourselves and connect. This is followed by a brief demonstration, leading into a 60 to 90-minute energy session. Afterward, we provide a space for integration and sharing, allowing participants to reflect on their experiences.



120 minutes

These sessions harness the tangible dynamics of group energy, creating a powerful resonance that amplifies healing and awakening for each participant.

Up to 25 participants




120 minutes

Private sessions are tailored for individuals or small groups seeking a personalized and intimate approach to their healing journey.

Up to 5 participants



120 minutes

No matter your location, you can access the universal energy of SEA, ensuring that geographical boundaries do not limit your journey to well-being.

Up to 15 participants


From the Hearts of Our Community

'How a Sacred Energy Activation session made me feel'

Participants report embarking on a profound journey, unlocking a deep reservoir of divine energy. Through their stories, discover the transformative impact of SEA and how it can also catalyze your path to enlightenment, as evidenced by the heartfelt testimonials shared by those who have experienced its power.

Participants Journey’s –>

Insights & Answers: Navigating Your SEA Journey

  • During a SEA - Sacred Energy Awakening session, it's common for participants to experience various physical sensations, as the body responds to the energy work being performed. These sensations can range from gentle tingling or warmth in certain areas to more pronounced feelings like a wave of energy moving through the body.

    Some participants might also experience temporary muscle twitches or spontaneous movements.

    It's essential to understand that everyone's experience is unique, and these sensations are natural responses to the body's energy system aligning and healing.

    Always remember to stay present, breathe, and trust the process.

  • Realistic outcomes from SEA sessions vary from person to person based on their individual energy, openness, and intention. However, many participants report experiencing enhanced clarity of mind, a deeper sense of inner peace, heightened intuition, and a renewed connection with their authentic self.

    Kundalini awakening, dark night of the soul, profound insights and messages from spirit guides and so much more! The sessions are designed to facilitate personal transformation, and with regular participation, you can expect a journey of self-discovery, growth, and alignment.

    Remember, like any transformative practice, the depth and breadth of your experience depend largely on your personal commitment and openness to the process.

  • Typically, participants begin to notice noticeable benefits after three sessions, scheduled as closely together as possible.

    This trio of sessions allows for a deep and consistent exploration, helping to amplify the transformative effects of SEA - Sacred Energy Awakening.

    While some individuals might feel shifts after just one session, we've found that the magic number is truly three to fully immerse and experience the profound benefits that SEA has to offer.

  • Yes, SEA - Sacred Energy Awakening sessions can have after-effects, though they vary from person to person. Many individuals report prolonged feelings of calmness, heightened intuition, and a deeper connection to their inner self for days or even weeks after a session.

    Some might experience vivid dreams or enhanced clarity in their day-to-day lives. Physically, there might be a continuous sensation of energy flow or tingling in certain parts of the body.

    It's also possible to experience emotional releases in the days following a session, as the energy continues to work and integrate within.

    As always, it's essential to listen to your body, stay hydrated, and give yourself the time and space to understand and embrace these after-effects.