Welcome to Sacred Energy Awakening (SEA) – your new beginning in a world where energy, joy, and deep connection flourish. At SEA, we're more than just a practice; we're a thriving community where laughter, joy, and meaningful connections light up every interaction.

  • Community at Heart: At SEA, we cherish the strength and vibrancy of our community, fostering an environment where every member is valued and connected.

  • Embrace Your Uniqueness: We celebrate your individuality and encourage you to express your true self, supported by respect and love in every interaction.

  • Transformative Experiences: Allow SEA to be your refuge, a place where the dynamic energy waves guide you toward alignment with your innermost essence.

Join us and discover your path to awakening within the warm embrace of the SEA community.

In-Person Sessions

Our In-Person Group Sessions operate on the principle that energy, to be fully realized and transformed, needs to be seen and acknowledged. These sessions harness the tangible dynamics of group energy, creating a powerful resonance that amplifies healing and awakening for each participant.

Together, we create a sacred circle of visibility and support, where every individual's energy is recognized and honored.

Up to 25 participants

SEA Remote Sessions

Our Remote SEA sessions connect you to transformative healing from anywhere in the world, transcending language and distance.

No matter your location, you can access the universal energy of SEA, ensuring that geographical boundaries do not limit your journey to well-being.

Join us from the comfort of your home and be part of a worldwide community seeking growth and healing.

Up to 15 participants

SEA Private Sessions

Private sessions are tailored for individuals or small groups seeking a personalized and intimate approach to their healing journey.

Offered in the serene environment of San Diego, these sessions can be conducted in the comfort of your own home if you're located in the city, or at a rented space arranged for an additional fee.

For those not in San Diego, don't worry, virtual sessions are available.

Up to 5 participants

Kind Words